Fayen d'Evie (VIC)


Fayen d‘Evie makes art about communication and translation. Her artworks are sometimes also produced in collaboration with other artists.

Inquiry questions and strategies


  • How do you engage with this artwork? (e.g. through the senses, movement, tactile experiences)
  • What modes of communication do you use every day? List these modes. Do you use them without realising it?
  • How can an artist create work that is more accessible and inclusive for audiences with diverse needs?
  • The artist is exploring the expressive potential of the non-visual. How has Fayen d’Evie achieved this in her art practice?
  • List the types of publishing modes and communication platforms that have been used over time. How does this work expand and challenge these traditional thresholds of the written language?
  • Collaboration is a key element in this artwork. Discuss how Fayen d’Evie’s collaboration with sound artist Bryan Phillips and dancer Benjamin Hancock contributes to the meaning of this artwork. 
  • "Through touch, listening, scoring, puncturing, engraving and movement…the body is reacquainted with the visceral origins of publishing." (Margaret Woodward) How is this statement reflected in the artwork?


Creative learning activity 

You will need

  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Paper
  • Staples
  • Smart phone (for camera and sound recording)
  • Printer
  • USB or CD



Arrange the class into four groups.

  • Group 1.
    This group will decide what words or small phrases the publication will attempt to communicate to an audience of the future. It can be as simple as words like: HOME or WELCOME, or more complicated phrases like: WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS FROM PLANET EARTH.
  • Group 2.
    This group will use their bodies as tools to perform actions that attempt to translate the meaning of the phrases thought up by Group 1. Think sign language but using the whole body. How does the word or phrase sound? Make a shape or action that you think looks like the sound.
  • Group 3.
    Using still photography and/or video, this group will capture/document the actions/performances of Group 2. Think about composition, background, and a stable camera.
  • Group 4.
    This group will attempt to translate the actions of Group 2 back into sound. Try to create sounds that fit the movements. As well as voice, use objects around you. Group 1 will record the sound translations using a smart phone.

All groups then combine to collaboratively produce a publication/document which compiles each group’s attempt at translating words and phrases into performances and sound pieces. This could be in the form of a book or online blog. Alternatively, be experimental with materials that can carry text and present your publication/document to the class.